The show narrates an episode from "One Thousand and One Nights", interspersed with poems and Italian arias from the 16th and 17th centuries, verses from medieval Arabic literature, and music from the ancient Maghreb and Arab-Andalusian traditions. The narrative, woven between Italian and Arabic languages, immediately focuses on archetypal themes present in the ancient poems of humanity, derived from a timeless cultural wisdom shared by all civilizations. Betrayal, knowledge, freedom, beauty, brotherhood, and love form the pillars upon which the light but profound story of "Le due lune" rests, allowing the ear, heart, and intellect to rediscover the roots of civilizations and cherish them.
At the heart of the show is the female figure of Shahrazad, an archetypal and universal emblem of feminine intelligence and wisdom. She perfectly embodies two faces of the same reality: two cultures, the Western and the Eastern, engaging in dialogue using the privileged tool of art as a unique message of brotherhood, love, and beauty.
The project was realized in Algiers in 2006 and later in Dubai in 2021, in collaboration with the Oriental University of Naples and IULM University of Milan, supported by the Culture and Art Foundation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. In 2022, thanks to the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation it was performed at Teatru Rjal in Malta, in collaboration with Festivals Malta and the Italian Cultural Institute of Valletta; in Spain at the Caixa Forum in Madrid and the Fundacion Tres Culturas in Seville, with the support of the Italian Cultural Institute of Madrid, and in Switzerland at the Goetheanum in Dornach (Basel). The artists included Valeria Almerighi, Silina Choueiry, Amira Rezgui, Sara Bezzi, and the World Youth Orchestra ensemble, with direction and musical direction by Damiano Giuranna.